Programming Languages

Programming Languages

Over the years I've worked with a wide range of programming languages professionally or for the sake of curiosity/enrichment.

A distinction which often seems neglected by practitioners is that between application programming and systems programming. The boundary between the two can sometimes get muddy, but I find the distinction crucial in that from my perspective application programming should remain very focused on delivery of novel value where the details of the underlying system represent excessive accidental complexity.

For application programming I tend to view programming languages as given out-sized attention to the point where they are often harmful - sometimes breeding fetishistic preferences and generally introducing waste associated with bridging different means of expressing "how" (which is the nature of languages) isomorphic "what"s are represented, none of which translates to the environmental impacts which are the net value of the produced machine.

My practical approach to try to avoid some of this waste is to adopt something like Lisp as my preferred application programming language. I’d been considering different options for a bit and was generally strongly drawn to a language that offered some level of homoiconicity (for basic desires such as more natural encoding of data structures and declarative interfaces rather than more sophisticated meta-programming) when I stumbled in to watching Rich Hickey's Simple Made Easy talk which somewhat sealed the deal. I first acquired a fondness for Lisp due to SICP (like many others) but more popular languages like Python promised many of the same benefits (Python and some other languages could be treated as sitting on top of dictionaries or objects rather than lists), but the richer syntax of such languages raises corresponding complexity. Stopping caring about syntax leads naturally to wanting a language for which parsing is particularly easy, and Lisp is a language which not only has flavors across many, many runtimes but for which parsing can typically be thrown together with minimal effort. Specifically I'll be looking to make use of a portable subset of Scheme as Scheme pursues a small number of primitives which maps naturally to the prospect of implementing such primitives wherever necessary and leveraging the complementary simple means of combination and abstraction common to Lisps (with the option of tabling some of the more sophisticated metasyntactic extensibility). This aligns with a big picture desire to be able to approach application programming by seeking to adopt composable computational constructs which can be floated on top of abstracted systems.

I'm currently exploring the idea of largely using a combination of lisp and YAML, resulting in the equivalent of the ability to embed sexps inside of YAML documents. YAMLScript{atime"2024-04-13"=““} seems to be exploring a similar space but I'd be looking to make use of a different format where rather than relying upon a special marker (an extra colon) within the entry definition, I'd be looking to have the trigger for evaluation be the typical use of parentheses around the expression - thereby falling back to the behavior where such values would be parsed as strings and could therefore have latent expansion applied. This also potentially feels comparable to the distinction between LISP-1s and LISP-2s where keeping the evaluation in the expression feels to be more in-line with a LISP-1 whereas the special syntax feels more like a distinct LISP-2 namespace.

As a crucial distinction between the above idea and other lisps, parentheses would be used to indicate evaluation only and therefore this is likely to subsequently diverge from true lispiness where everything also comes back to pairs/cons cells. The use of that construct is certainly feasible but the syntactic elements are intended to more clearly convey the semantics of the data independently of the implementation (i.e. dictionaries may best be represented as alists but the syntax doesn't care).

This approach could help to address both challenges related to the the structure of logic and the data upon which it is acting, and also the struggle to represent a wide range of data types and semantics over portable formats such as YAML.

I’ll also be more clearly defining my perceived boundary and relationship between systems and application programming since I'm leaning towards more distinct roles than what are typically designated.
