Incident Log

Around Sat Mar 30 05:30:23 AM EDT 2024 my laptop would not start in the morning There was charge remaining and it went through GRUB and loading hibernation but the screen threafter was blank.

On January 25, 2024 this site seemed to be unresponsive starting at ~07:30 ET. Requests would result in a 500 error. The traffic itself seemed to not be reaching the application instances which to me suggests an issue with either the load balancer or some of the Knative/Cloud Run machinery (possibly related to cold starts). There was no obvious cause for this change based on the logs nor was the application reporting an issue. Restoring a previous revision and creating a new revision using the same image both resolved the issue so it is optimistically going to be ignored for the time being as a fluke. If it recurs further investigation will be done and information recorded (determing where the error itself is being thrown should indicate where there is undesirable state...presumably things getting stuck).