## #

# Production of this site consists of two major phases: # processing of the content and packaging/deploying the artifact. # Ths build configuration will be broken up accordingly all of which # will be combined here. #

# The logic to process the content is defined in # process.mk. #


include process.mk


# The logic to package and deploy the site is defined in # deploy.mk. #


include deploy.mk

# Generate enclosing sections https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#option--section-divs[ PANDOC_OPTS += --section-divs PANDOC := pandoc %.html: %.md $(PANDOC) --title-prefix="Matt Whipple" --standalone --from=markdown+link_attributes $(<) -o $(@) MD_SRC := $(wildcard *.md) deploy: $(MD_SRC:.md=.html)